How to Scale Content Creation [New Step-By-Step Guide]
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How to Scale Content Creation
[New Step-By-Step Guide]

Brian Dean

Written by Brian Dean

How to Scale Content Creation

In this post, Iโ€™m going to show you how to scale your content marketing.


In fact, this process has helped me publish 326,649 words of blog content over the last year.

Plus: a new flagship course, dozens of social media posts, email newsletters, YouTube video scripts, and more.

And in todayโ€™s post, Iโ€™ll show you exactly how I scaled up.

Step #1: Break Down Your Writing Process Into TINY Steps

I used to think of “writing content” as a single step.

But I recently learned that creating content is actually made up of several smaller steps.

Break Down Your Writing Process Into Steps

Back in the day, Iโ€™d do all of these steps myself. Which meant that I could only publish a new post every 4-6 weeks.

Fortunately, because I focused 100% on quality over quantity, the Backlinko blog grew like crazy… even though I didnโ€™t publish that often.

Backlinko – Initial Blog Growth

But at a certain point, traffic to the blog started to stall.

Backlinko – Initial Blog Traffic Started To Stall

And I realized that it was pretty much impossible to grow a blog past a certain point with only 10-12 posts per year.

I also realized that I didnโ€™t need to execute every single step myself.

In other words:

I could focus on the stuff that I was good at (like keyword research and writing). And get help with the things I wasnโ€™t good at (editing, design, visuals).

Which helped my content creation process go from this:

Writing Process With Tasks Assigned To Brian

To this:

Process With Tasks Assigned To Others

Now that I have a team helping me out with content, we published 3x more blog content last year than ever before.

Without sacrificing quality.

That said:

Your content creation process will probably look different than mine.

There may be more steps. Or fewer steps.

The idea here isnโ€™t to follow the same process that we use here at Backlinko.

Instead, your goal should be to document all of the steps that you follow for creating content.

Then, get experts to help with some of those steps.

Step #2: Create an Organized Content Calendar

This is another lesson that I had to learn the hard way.

When I first started Backlinko, I wrote, edited and published everything myself.

Which meant that Backlinkoโ€™s editorial calendar lived in my head.

I would literally think to myself: โ€œOK, the on-page SEO infographic is going out on Tuesday. And then I need to send the newsletter about link building next Tuesday. And on March 5th, we have the case study coming outโ€.

It was a nightmare.

The closest thing I had to a content calendar was a โ€œBlog Post Content Ideasโ€ spreadsheet that listed out topics that I wanted to cover.

Backlinko Blog – Content Ideas

And once I started to get help with content, Iโ€™d get emails from my team at least once per week:

โ€œHey Brian, whatโ€™s the status on the case study? Thatโ€™s coming out on March 5th, right? I donโ€™t see that written down anywhere.โ€

Not good.

Even though I was starting to build a content team, I was still the bottleneck.

So I decided to create a simple Google Sheet that laid out the next few months of content for the blog.

Spreadsheet – Showing a Few Months of Blog Post Ideas

As you can see, this sheet isnโ€™t super organized. But at least we had a single place to coordinate and plan upcoming blog content.

Which was progress.

But over the last year or so I learned that having a content calendar isnโ€™t enough.

For your content calendar to do its job, it needs to be SUPER organized.

(This is especially true if youโ€™re putting out lots of 10x content, like ultimate guides, industry studies or content hubs.)

Like I mentioned in step #1, โ€œcreating contentโ€ is a process with dozens of smaller steps.

Creating Content – Step By Step

And if you want to scale up, you need a way to list out each step that needs to be done. And the current status of those steps.

Otherwise, and trust me on this one, something WILL fall through the cracks.

Today, our content calendar is more of project management than an actual calendar (we use Notion):

Backlinko – Notion workspace

So yeah, if you already have a content calendar, great.

If not, Iโ€™d make that a top priority.

And even if you DO have a calendar, Iโ€™d take a second look at it to see if thereโ€™s any way that you can improve it.

Specifically, try to have every single tiny step laid out as a checklist. That way, nothing falls through the cracks.

Step #3: Plan Out Your Content Schedule For The Next 6-8 Months

Planning out Backlinkoโ€™s blog content has been a game-changer for us.

Before, my team and I would have maybe 2-3 posts planned out in advance.

(In fact, sometimes Iโ€™d only start writing a post AFTER the last one came out.)

This led to rushed projects, stressed-out staff, and posts that werenโ€™t as good as they could have been.

Today, we have the next 6-8 months of content planned out.

6-8 Months of Content Planned Out

Which is a HUGE stress reducer.

Everyone on the team knows exactly whatโ€™s coming up. So thereโ€™s zero stress wondering what the future looks like.

The other great thing about having a 6-8 month plan is that you can batch things.

Especially keyword research.

So instead of logging into a keyword research tool every single time you want to write something, you can spend a day 100% focused on finding topics and keywords.

Then, map those topics out in your content calendar for the next few months.

Map Your Topics Out in a Content Calendar

Now, thereโ€™s one thing I should point out here:

This plan isnโ€™t set in stone. You can always change, add, remove or shuffle things around.

For example, we recently had a relaunch of one of our popular guides on the schedule.

But one day I thought of something that would work even better: a content marketing tips list post.

Backlinko – Content marketing tips

So I replaced the relaunch with that. Not a big deal.

You obviously donโ€™t want to mess with the schedule every day.

Otherwise, it kinda defeats the purpose of having a schedule in the first place.

But itโ€™s totally fine to occasionally replace or change something once in a while. Especially if you make the change super far in advance.

Step #4: Create Outlines For Upcoming Posts

At this point, you have a documented process for creating content. And a content calendar thatโ€™s filled up for the next 6 months.

Nice work.

Your next step is to start working on your posts.

And if thereโ€™s one piece of advice I can give you for this step, itโ€™s this:

Create detailed outlines before you write.

I used to write blog posts like I was Ernest Hemingway. Iโ€™d grab a cup of strong coffee, whip open WordPress and start banging on my keyboard.

Well, that may work for a genius like Ernest Hemingway.

But for normal folks like you and me, writing freestyle like that is SUPER slow. And, in my experience, the final product doesnโ€™t turn out that great.

Today, I write everything (including this post that youโ€™re reading right now) from a detailed outline.

Not only is this WAY faster than writing on a blank page, but it makes your content more organized and structured.

An outline gives you a high-level overview of what you want to cover.

Content Outline – Example

That way, you can see if youโ€™re missing any important steps or strategies… before you write a single word.

For example, hereโ€™s the outline for: The Definitive Guide to Content Marketing.

This outline made it easy to see whether or not I covered the key points that I needed to cover.

Plus, once I started writing, all I needed to do was fill in the blanks with details. In fact, I wrote that entire guide in two days.

Thatโ€™s the power of a detailed outline.

Step #5: Write Content Based on Firsthand Knowledge and Experience

Or put another way:

โ€œDocument. Donโ€™t createโ€.

The โ€œDocument. Donโ€™t Createโ€ mantra has been HUGE for me.

Itโ€™s not only helped me create better content. But I can write content 2-3x faster than before.

Let me illustrate how this works with a real-life example.

A few years ago, โ€œconversion rate optimizationโ€ was all the rage.

CRO Highlighted

So I decided to get in on the action with a series of CRO-focused posts:

Backlinko – CRO Highlight

There was only one problem:

I didnโ€™t know anything about CRO!

Sure, Iโ€™d run a few A/B tests before. But I was far from an expert.

These posts took forever to write (I had to research pretty much everything that I wrote).

Plus, they didnโ€™t turn out that great.

Today, I only write content if itโ€™s something that I have personal experience with. No exceptions.

For example, The YouTube Marketing Hub clocks in at over 40,000 words.

YouTube Marketing Hub – Contains Over 40k Words

And yes, this was a massive project that took me weeks to write.

But because The YouTube Marketing Hub covered things that I had firsthand experience with, I basically documented stuff that I already knew and did.

Brians First Hand Experience

Which meant that I was able to crank out at least two entries per day.

(Note: The post that youโ€™re reading right now is a meta example of this approach in action. The steps in this post are based on my own experience of scaling up Backlinkoโ€™s content production. Which made writing this post SUPER easy and fast. In fact, this entire post only took me about a day to outline and write.)

Step #6: Hire Writers With Actual Experience

I write every word thatโ€™s published on Backlinko.

But if youโ€™re like most businesses that want to scale content marketing, you WILL eventually need to hire writers.

At a high level, hiring a freelance writer is easy:

Post a job to Upwork.

Hire someone that can string a few words together.

Unfortunately, thatโ€™s how most people outsource writing. This is why 99.9% of all content online is hot garbage.

Instead of hiring randos off of Upwork, I recommend working with domain experts.

In other words: people that have first-hand knowledge of the thing theyโ€™re writing about.

For example, NerdFitness came out of nowhere in a competitive space. And a big reason for its success was the fact that Steve only wrote about stuff he knew about.

Nerd Fitness – Content

Question is:

HOW do you find domain experts?

First, find people that run blogs in your industry. And offer to hire them.

For example, letโ€™s say that you run a blog about personal finance. Well, if you Google โ€œbest personal finance blogsโ€, youโ€™ll find curated lists of awesome blogs in that niche:

Crediful – Top personal finance blogs

Then, ask the people that run those blogs if theyโ€™re available to write content for your site.

Email – Asking Blog To Write Content For Your Site

Second, look for people that contribute to other sites in your niche.

BuzzSumo has a cool feature called โ€œTop Authorsโ€ that makes finding published writers super easy.

BuzzSumo – Top Authors Tool

Just type in a keyword… and get a list of people that have published content about that topic.

Iโ€™ve said it before and Iโ€™ll say it again:

โ€œIf you want an article about unclogging a toilet, donโ€™t hire a freelance writer. Hire a plumber.โ€

So if you want content thatโ€™s REALLY good, then you need to work with the plumbers in your space.

Step #7: Staff Up Your Content Team

So far Iโ€™ve shown you a process for creating content that scales.

And for hiring writers that churn out world-class stuff.

But for your content marketing to really scale, you WILL need to staff up.

Whether you hire freelancers.

Or full-time staff.

Or a mix of both.

Once you have the process in place, scaling content is all about people.

And Iโ€™m NOT just talking about writers.

As you grow, youโ€™ll need people to handle the 87 tasks that go into publishing high-quality content.

(Like design, editing, layout, promotion and more.)


Who you hire depends on the content format that you focus on.

For example, hiring a team of people for a podcast will be VERY different than a blog.

But just to give you an example, here are the key roles that have helped us scale up Backlinkoโ€™s content production:

  • Content Coordinator: This is basically a project manager that specializes in content production. Theyโ€™re in charge of making sure that all the boxes are checked off before a post goes live.
  • Designer: Someone that can create illustrations, visuals, screenshots, social media images… or any other design assets that your content needs.
  • Editor: A second pair of eyes to review your content. That way, your final post is free of typos and sentences that arenโ€™t 100% clear.
  • Developer: Someone that can make code-level changes to your blog. WordPress themes have their place. But if you want to make the types of changes that give your blog a unique look and feel, youโ€™ll need a pro developer.
  • Data Person: If you do industry studies or surveys, youโ€™ll need someone that can run the numbers. And to help make sure that your write up accurately represents the data.
  • Content Promoter: Like the name suggests, a content promoterโ€™s job is to get the word out about your post. This can include writing email newsletters, setting up Facebook boosted post ad campaigns, email outreach, and more.
  • Performance Analyzer: This role is all about finding out whatโ€™s working so you can double down on it. The metrics here depend on your goals. But for us, we evaluate a postโ€™s short-term performance mostly on the quality and quantity of blog comments that come in. And long-term performance is all about links and organic traffic.
  • SEO Expert: Someone thatโ€™s in charge of finding the right keywords and making sure that every post is keyword-optimized (guess who does this job at
    Backlinko ๐Ÿ˜€ ).

You donโ€™t necessarily need to hire a specific person to fill every single role. In fact, most of the time youโ€™ll have one person on your team in charge of several different roles.

But in my experience, itโ€™s SUPER important to have someone in charge of each of them.

Bonus: Repurpose Content Into New Formats

Content repurposing is where you take a single piece of awesome content… and repurpose that same content in several different formats.

Repurpose Content Into New Formats

And when done right, repurposing is a GREAT way to scale content creation.

For example, one of our most popular posts at Backlinko is called: The Complete SEO Checklist.

Backlinko – SEO Checklist

Yes, that content performed well as a blog post.

But I also knew that this same content had lots of potential… as a video.

That said:

I knew that I couldnโ€™t just read my blog post in front of a camera. That wouldnโ€™t work.

For content repurposing to work, you need to tweak the original content so it 100% fits the new format.

So, with my SEO checklist video, I ended up cutting out 60% of the content from the post (otherwise, the video would have been 45 minutes long).

Instead, I only covered the key steps from that post.

I also added a handful of new tips and examples to make the video more engaging.

The final product was this video:

And because I took the extra time to make my original content work as a video, people really liked it.

2020 SEO Checklist – Video Comments

Which has led to that video accumulating 503,765 total views so far.

SEO checklist video – Views

Not bad.

Now Iโ€™d Like to Hear From You

There you have it: my 7-step process for scaling content marketing.

Now Iโ€™d like to hear what you have to say:

Have you tried to scale up your content production before?

If so, how did it go?

Let me know by leaving a comment below right now.


  1. This is another fantastic article, Brian!

    I’ve been a bit conflicted lately about how I plan my content. I plan 1-2 articles ahead, and sometimes I write a very detailed outline for writers, so they can understand where I’m coming from. I wasn’t sure that was the ideal way of going about it, as sometimes I considered my outline too restrictive.

    I think the way you’ve done is simple and to the point and I think I’ll go for that.

    Also, I’ve been dealing with the stress of rushing to do keyword research and finding a topic lately because I don’t plan too much ahead and I think I’ll take your advice:

    > So instead of logging into a keyword research tool every single time you want to write something, you can spend a day 100% focused on finding topics and keywords.

    I always have all sorts of technical stuff to do and I think your method will suit me just fine. I’ll have to adjust a little, but I’m confident you’re right about this!

    Thank you very much, Brian! I really appreciate that you write such insightful guides. All the best!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Vlad. I definitely recommend planning AT LEAST 10-15 posts in advance. Like I mentioned in the post, getting super organized with topics really helped me scale up.

  2. Brian, another awesome guide. You keep raising the bar in each post.

    Totally agree it’s best to hire a person who has domain expertise than a polished copywriter.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Jay. โ€œIf you want an article about unclogging a toilet, donโ€™t hire a freelance writer. Hire a plumber.โ€

      1. The one caveat to this is that whomever you hire still needs to know how to write. I would say if you want to write about unclogging a toilet, hire a plumber that knows how to write. This is one of the challenges Iโ€™ve had managing blogs in the film industry. There are many talented filmmakers who cannot write worth a lick. And I spent almost as much time editing their work as I would have writing it myself. It takes a little bit of extra time but itโ€™s worth the investment to find people who both have experience and the ability to communicate that experience in a written form for your desired language.

        1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

          Very true, Ron. I’ve run into this myself. It’s a legit problem. That said, in my experience, it’s easier to teach writing than trying to get a freelance writer to teach something that only comes from experience.

  3. Sorry if I didn’t read it somewhere… but do you have a team of writers? or just a team of people who produce images, videos, etc…?

    In other words — for any single blog post, what % is you actually doing the work (writing, editing, etc…) and what % is “other people”?

    Great content as always – thank you sir.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      I don’t have a team of writers. I still write everything for the Backlinko blog. The content team handles the non-writing parts of the content process (screenshots, editing, graphics etc.).

  4. Just wow! I’m not kidding when I say that since I’ve been following your blog, your posts have been home run after home run for me.

    This really hit home with me because I’ve just started my blog some months ago and my process has pretty much been:

    1. Find a topic
    2. Research a bit more in-depth on it. I am knowledgeable on the subject, but I’m not always aware of all the details.
    3. Do some sort of outline for my writer

    It has been feeling pretty clunky recently and I’ve always imagined I’d streamline the article writing in an efficient manner, but I’d have to figure it out myself.

    But your post is *exactly* what I needed. Obviously I’ve looked how others handle it, but you outline it a lot better than I’ve read before, plus I think you’re more an authority on the matter.

    What really hit home for me is to plan ahead. This is because *literally* a few days ago I asked my writer for feedback on how we cooperate and she said that she’d like the topics for the whole week, if possible.

    It’s really a surprise that you wrote exactly about this!

    Thank you! I’ll put this into action immediately!!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hi Oana, happy to hear that. I was in the same boat: I’d kind of mix the keyword research process with the writing process. Today, I BATCH both tasks. And it makes things go so much smoother and faster.

  5. Hi Brian, this is very helpful. Thanks for putting it together. Curious to know why you keep your sidebar area empty? Why not have related articles in it? I’m sure you have a good reason for it.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Abi. We used to have a sidebar. But I decided to get rid of it because very very (literally <1%) of people clicked on it. And it distracted the other 99% of folks from reading the page they were on.

  6. Hey Brian! I love your blog site here. I have been a follower and a fan for years. I’ve definitely learned a lot from you. These tips on content marketing are genius. The concept is simple but I know it takes work and discipline to make it work. I’m currently planning out my content strategy for one of my blogs. I really like your advice here!

    Thanks so much Brian!

    Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Freddy, sounds good. This system definitely takes some time to put into practice (it ultimately took me 7+ years). But hopefully with the help of this post you can shortcut that and set things up within a few weeks.

      1. It has taken me about 7-8 years give or take to realize and finally be able to get this the right way, as well. Funny uhh. Thanks a ton Brian!

    1. This is an amazing content as usual.

      Looking forward to learn a lot from you brian! ๐Ÿ˜Š

      Kudos to your team!


  7. Thank you, this is mainly for the authority blogs but I only play around micro’s as I am new in this market.
    I hope I will follow once I scale up my business.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      You’re welcome, Maicheal. That’s 100% right: scaling becomes important once you get the hang of your current process.

  8. Some of these are steps for those who are ready to level-up (or already did!), and I will definitely look to build them into my content strategy looking to the future, just not yet… as one of the “little guys”, I will need to focus on some of the immediately actionable stuff- especially creating outlines. Hemingway, I ain’t!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Dave, that’s true. This is definitely geared towards someone that wants to assemble a content team. That said, just getting super organized with topics and outlines can literally 2-3x your output. Even if you plan, write, and edit everything yourself.

  9. Wow! This is probably one of the most helpful articles I’ve read in a long time! Well done Brian!

    I’ll share this with my network. Tons of people will get good use of this information.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Russell. I’m trying something a little bit new with this post that’s a bit different than massive guides. Basically, sharing some things that have recently helped Backlinko grow to where it is today. Glad you found it helpful.

  10. David Avatar Davidsays:

    As I always say, Great content Brian. This was something that I didn’t know. I usually search for some keywords and create an Excel sheet for the contents that I’am going to write this week.

    I know working alone is really tough and you have more ideas than content.

    Hope I will achieve your level of planning at some point of time.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey David, for sure. If you execute this strategy you can reach a point where you have more content-writing ability than ideas. At this point I’m able to write 3k words/day. So I’m quickly getting there.

      1. David Avatar Davidsays:

        Will definitely do! But 3k words a day would take some time ๐Ÿ˜€

      1. Hey Brian,
        Thanks for detailed blog as always. can you please throw some lights on how to write 3k word per day? Means like how did you manage to write?

        1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

          Step #5

  11. Nice article I loved very much.
    Although I never arranged my content marketing plan in such a way as you described but as a junior content operator in a packaging business I manged my upcoming contents by creating topics for about two to three weeks prior to publishing ( I publish two to three contents every week) and this helped me very much. Also, there will be less almost no stress if you have arranged your topics for upcoming content publishings I agree with you.
    Nice Keep it up going brian!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Keira. For sure: planning is a huge stress reliever. Even if the content is still a WIP, just having it on the schedule helps you picture what you need to do to get everything done.

  12. Thank you again Brian fot this valuable article.

    The truth is that i was struggling with almost all the steps that you mention by myself in the beginning. But when i started to assign parts to my teammates, the whole process became more efficient and fast.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hi Emmanouil, you’re welcome. That was the single biggest turning point for me too: getting people to help me with the process.

  13. Great content Brian. I mean, it is really tough to organize your work calendar. Most of the time, I wake up thinking about what should I write today.

    From today onwards, I will definitely plan my calendar (hopefully, for atleast one week I guess ๐Ÿ˜Š).

    Thanks again for this great piece of article

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      You’re welcome. One week is definitely better than nothing. Start there and see if that helps. If so, then you can try 2 weeks, 3 weeks etc.

  14. Hi, wow it was really complete practical. I really see Authors is much important now especially in google e.a.t algorithm. keep on the awesome works

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:


  15. Hey Brian,

    Chris from germany here. Your blog is one of my favourites for years now.
    Not only for the outstanding content itself, furthermore for the details between the lines.
    In this case, to possibly make it visible for other from my perspective, these lines up there push things I already have in mind back in my active awareness.
    These kind of impulse we all need from time to time to come back to things that makes our processes perhaps easier or better again … to develop them a little more far … am I describing this right?

    Thanks for all your impulse given in the past years and hopefully once we meet to talk a while about some other meta levels.

    All the best,

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Chris, thank you. Yes, I totally understand what you mean. It’s helpful to read something like this because it helps crystallize ideas in your mind into something concrete.

      1. Chris Avatar Chrissays:

        Yes, thatโ€˜s it and to develop things with these new ideas! Great!

        Iโ€˜d like to bbq with you and your buddies ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ˜‚

  16. Always killing it with your content. I appreciate you sharing it with us all!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Gary. More cool stuff on the way.

    1. Chris Avatar Chrissays:

      Youโ€˜re absolutely right! Itโ€˜s really a nice move to share all this stuff with us.

      Which time period needs to be passed to share things like this with us in public, Brian? Or are it other factors that you lay beyond such decisions? Or a mix maybe?

      Anyway itโ€˜s totally cool!

      1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

        I usually try to share any learnings that I think the Backlinko community would like to see. So it’s more of that sort of decision than a specific timeframe.

  17. Hi Brian
    It’s amazing how quickly you can post another good article in such a short period of time and it is informative too. But you didn’t reply to me on twitter, so maybe here I will be luckier to get the answer I was waiting for: can you organize a post where we (readers) can say what we expect from today’s www to be. Especially related to website development. How today’s websites should look like?
    I would like to see if users (we) think differently from web developers and web site publishers.

    Dejan & keep those articles coming ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Dejan, glad you enjoyed the post. Do you mean a forum? Either way, one of the great things about the web is that anyone can create a site that’s 100% the way they want it. So you can be the example that you want others to follow.

  18. Excelente – Thank you so much brian…

    This is one of the most valuable posts here on backlinko because this is what exactly I was struggling from the last few months.

    But not anymore… thanks to you brian.

    Allow me to buy a beer and pizza for you.

    I’m printing, bookmarking and sharing it right now.

    Love it โˆž

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Awesome, Rahul. Happy to help ๐Ÿ‘

  19. Hi Brian, loved ur content as always.
    I just started a new business blog and continuously applying what I am learning from you.
    The thing I am confused is how many times should I post.
    Plz reply โค๏ธ

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks. I wouldn’t worry about that. Quality >>>>> quantity.

  20. Great post again, Brian

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thank you.

  21. Thank you Brian for the 7 steps. I know it wasnโ€™t an easy process but you have a way of breaking things down and making them seem easy to digest.

    What would your recommendation for a non-English speaker with no budget for a content team?

    I just launched a small blog at and I can truly use your expert opinion.

    Also, what are the best passive ways of getting natural backlinks?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hi Patrick, In that case, I’d use strategies like the Skyscraper Technique to create AWESOME content. I wouldn’t worry about scale until much later.

  22. erkan Avatar erkansays:

    goo job man, thank you for sharing

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      No problemo.

  23. This is something is a concept I’ve been thinking about for years but never took the jump. I think this is the perfect time.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Sounds good, Jake. Let me know how it goes.

  24. Great Article as always Brian,
    I always make a plan for content writing for my blog, and it helps me a lot.
    Thanks for the informative Guide

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      You’re welcome, Jai. For sure: a plan and an outline are really the secrets to writing FAST.

  25. This is a very timely post, Brian as I am working to build my content team. As always, very in-depth and helpful ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      That’s great to hear, Baidhurya. This should come in handy for sure.

  26. Thanks for sharing! I think it will be lucky 7 steps.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:


  27. very very informative content sir. In the current year how many articles need to publish in every month for a new blog to rank?

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      There’s really no magic number. It’s all about quality + backlinks.

  28. This post really opened up my eyes on how to scale my content production. Keep up the great work, Brian.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Brandon. Glad to hear that. The goal of this post was to share how I went from struggling with scale to pumping out 3x more content than ever before. It’s all about the people and systems.

  29. Excellent Article Brian ๐Ÿ‘,

    Really the complete insight to boost our old blogs.

    Thank you.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      You’re welcome, Prabhu.

  30. Interesting to read. However, #2-#3 gave me a question to ponder upon. I myself change plan to put up something else from what I did think to write before.

    There are several reasons owing to such behaviour. Search trends, algorithm, and intent is what I found determined my work process.

    Would be glad to know what’s your take on that? Should one Blogger still stick to preplanned routine?

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      If you’re still sort of figuring things out I wouldn’t start to scale yet. You only want to scale something that’s already working great.

  31. Thanks for sharing such a nice content, always I am waiting for your news letter, Whenever I read your blog I learn something NEW.

    Thank you so much, Always you are sharing your knowledge to all.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      No worries, Mohan. Glad it helped you out.

  32. Thanks for sharing! I think it will be lucky 7 steps. Your guidelines always be superb!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:


  33. Hamed Avatar Hamedsays:

    Great job, again, like always.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thank you ๐Ÿ‘

  34. Awesome Insights, as always, Brian! Keep on rocking!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hi Armin, thank you. I’ll definitely keep rocking ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. What a great in-depth article as always, Brian.

    For someone who’s starting up with a new site with little to low budget and trying to do everything like what you did initially, building a content team from the get-go might be tough.

    Do you mind sharing what’s the estimated cost for having your own VA or staff?

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thank you. For sure. I actually wouldn’t recommend building a team on day 1. You only want to scale when you’re 100% ready. For now, just focus on publishing and promoting AWESOME stuff. Scale can come later.

      1. Thanks, Brian. Thatโ€™s sounds so true, scale when youโ€™re 100% ready. Love it.

  36. Thanks, Brian. For the awesome post. Got this in an email notification and it’s totally worth reading this. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      No worries, Nivin. I always send new posts to our email subscribers first.

  37. Thanks for teaching us how you scaled up, Im going to test this strategy out and will update you with my results (in a year ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Halton, you’re welcome. Hopefully it won’t take a year! But please update me either way.

  38. Getting experienced writers or the people who can write unique and good content is the most difficult part I am facing. People charge a lot but getting a good content is really an issue.

    But your suggestion of finding a plumber if you want to write content for plumber is the great trick . Let us hire the field professionals.

    Thanks brian for the real solution you provide to us.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      No worries, Gautam. For sure. Plumbers may need some writing help. But they have the kind of real life experience that’s impossible to fake.

  39. Solomon Avatar Solomonsays:

    Brian you always give tons of helpful information. The information appears to be extremely strategic in the approach to scaling up. Once everything is up and running, this is certainly going into the action playbook. I’m in! Thanks Solomon

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Thanks Solomon. I appreciate that.

  40. Thanks a lot for sharing this masterpiece, Do you recommend AIDA while writing a scale content?

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      No problem. It really depends on the type of page. You can use AIDA in blog post intros. But you don’t really need to use it in the post itself.

  41. Thank you for another informative article Brian. I will be looking forward to learning more from it, as always!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      You’re welcome, Darshana. I’ve always struggled to scale content without sacrificing quality. But I think I’ve finally cracked that nut, as they say.

  42. Thanks for posting this!

    The content I personally write has gone down considerably.

    The reason being is I always want to write longer-form but don’t always have the time.

    This gives me a clear process to not only start writing, but also get help delegating tasks.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Arash, trust me I’ve been there. This approach should definitely help.

  43. Hi Brian,

    This post is awesome. Thank you for taking the time and putting together such an awesome content scaling techniques. What would you suggest in promoting same videos that we create on youtube through facebook and gwitter. Do you think that this helps in gaining brand visibility?

    Thank you!

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Brandi, that can definitely work. Especially if you upload them as native content.

  44. Ricardo de la Rosa Avatar Ricardo de la Rosasays:

    Nicely done! Just thinking about how to organize and create new content, and boom! You send these valuable tips.

    Thanks a lot, Brian! Following you since 2014 and learning from different angles since then.


    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Awesome, Ricardo! Hope this helps you get organized and scale up.

  45. Hi Brian.

    It feels so awesome when I find that the latest techniques that I have devised recently are being promoted as a fool-proof strategy by a master like you. I am talking about technique number #1, #2 and #4.

    I have recently discovered them to ease my nerves a bit and now they have got a “Trust-seal” by you. That feels really awesome.

    Also, I feel much sense in your step number #3, #5 and bonus step. I am certainly going to implement them to ease my work further and create more value to my readers.

    Thanks a tonne for this article. It is a seriously helpful one.


    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Mayank, no problem. Glad that I could confirm you’re on the right track. It sounds like you are.

  46. Brian, This is just a brilliant post. Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:



    Thanks for sharing such huge information. I love your content, every time whenever i receive backlinko email, i close my room for avoiding disturbance and start reading ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      HA! That’s great.

  48. Hey Brian! Epic post as always! Any advice on how to repurpose a podcast interview as another type of content?

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Myke, thank you. I recommend turning them into blog posts. So instead of posting a transcript, use the interview to create a post with screenshots, subheaders etc.

      1. I totally agree with you! So you would basically follow SEO best practices instead of just making show notes for the podcast interview, correct?

        1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

          Exactly. Make the show notes basically a blog post.

  49. Subject Matter Expertise is an absolute MUST in order to churn out high quality blog posts. And even if you find one he/she ought to be willing to write 1000 over words. We are often faced with this challenge.

    We usually seek some raw inputs from our clients (since they know their stuff best and it really helps if they are willing to oblige.

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hey Azhar, smart move there. Clients are an untapped source of awesome content ideas. And great content in general.

  50. Hi Brian,

    I agree with you that we should plan our upcoming articles in advance.

    Apart from this, The idea of repurposing content into new format and breaking down writing process into tiny step is awesome.

    Thanks for such an amazing helpful article.

    Sumit Sao

    1. Brian Dean Avatar Brian Deansays:

      Hi Sumit, for sure. Planning is HUGE.

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